Sunday 29 September 2013

How to open and serve sparkling bottle

Sparkling bottled water
Carbonated water also known as sparkling water, fizzy water and seltzer, is plain water into which carbon dioxide gas has been dissolved, and is the major and defining component of most soft drinks. The process of dissolving carbon dioxide gas is called carbonation. It results in the formation of carbonic acid (which has the chemical formula H2CO3). Today, carbonated water is made by passing pressurized carbon dioxide through water. The pressure increases the solubility and allows more carbon dioxide to dissolve than would be possible under standard atmosphere pressure. When the bottle is opened, the pressure is released, allowing the gas to come out of the solution, thus forming the characteristic bubbles.

Step on how to open the sparkling :


A paring knife
A goblet
A plate


Some ices
Squeezed lemon

  • Get a goblet and put some squeezed lemon on a top a goblet.
  • Then, put some sugar on the top of goblet.
  • Hold the sparkling bottle and open the bottle using paring knife
  • Twist the retaining wire on the wire cage six half-turns counter-clockwise
  • Either leaving the wine cage on the cork or removing it, put your thumb on top of the cork and grasp it with the rest of your hand. While holding the cork steady, firmly twist the bottle with your right hand. It is most comfortable to do this with the bottle held at a 45 degree angle and balanced on your side or hip.
  • The goal of this operation is to barely make a sound when the cork comes out. ( pop sound )
  • Pour the sparkling water in a goblet

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